Please inform nursing staff about any medication you are currently taking. This includes any herbal medications. These will be locked in your bedside cabinet and made available for use during your stay with us. For your safety, the nursing staff will administer ALL your medications whilst you are in the hospital.
Mobile Phones
Signals from mobile phones may interfere with the safe operation of electronic medical equipment. Please switch off your mobile phone on admission. Mobile phones can be used in your room. Bathurst Private Hospital does not accept responsibility for your mobile phone or phone charger.
Staff Identification
All staff wear photo ID as a means of identification and internal security. The badge shows the staff member's name and position.
Personal Items
It is strongly recommended that you do not bring jewellery or large amounts of money to the hospital other than for payment on admission.
The hospital takes every care, but regrettably cannot accept liability for any valuable items brought to the hospital. Therefore it is advisable that only a very small amount of cash be held for the purchase of incidentals.
Call Bell
Your room's call bell system allows you to contact nursing staff 24 hours a day. A button is located on the white handset by your bed, which your nurse will place within your reach. Additional buttons are located in the bathroom. Please don't hesitate to call staff to help you in any way.
Housekeeping Services
Your room will be cleaned daily. Please notify a member of the nursing staff if you have concerns about any aspect of the Housekeeping Service.
Meals are served at the following times:
Breakfast 7.30am - 8.00 am
Lunch 12.00pm – 12.30pm
Dinner 5.00pm – 5.30pm
Morning and afternoon tea are provided.
Barratt & Smith, a private specialist pathology service, provides 24 hour service to hospital inpatients. If you have a pathology service performed whilst you are in hospital, a separate account may be sent to you which can be claimed from Medicare and/or your health fund.
Pharmacy Services
Pharmacy services for Bathurst Private Hospital are provided by Blooms the Chemist. Deliveries are made twice a day at 10am and 5pm. Some medications are additional to your hospital charges.
All x-rays belong to you and should be taken home on discharge.
Bedside telephones are available for personal use. Calls are free on your direct telephone to greet family and friends. You may receive calls directly to your room; your friends and family dial the hospital number (02) 6331 7766 and after the welcome message, enter the extension number which is your room number. For example if you are in room 104 your telephone extension will be 104. To get an outside line please dial 0 and then the number you are calling.
Every patient has access to a remote control colour television in their room with commercial TV and radio stations.
Visitors Lounge – Ward
A lounge area is provided for patients, their families and friends in the main reception. Tea and coffee are provided.
Visiting Hours
Visiting hours are 10.00am - 8.00pm, 7 days a week.
Members of your immediate family are required to check with nursing staff about visits outside of these hours.
When You Leave
Discharge Planning
Planning your discharge is about considering if you have adequate support when you return home. Consider the following:
Transport - consider how you will travel home.
Support network - If you live alone or have limited support, could a family member or friend come and stay with you?
Carers - will a partner or family member who cares for you need additional assistance? Will you need assistance if you are the carer of someone else?
Mobility & hygiene - will the environment in and around your home (such as stairs) make it difficult for you to manage?
Home nursing - If it becomes apparent that you will need community nursing care after your admission, we can help to arrange this.
Going Home
On the morning of your discharge, you will receive a nursing summary as well as any post-operative information from your doctor.
Discharge time is 10.00am - please notify staff if you anticipate any problems arranging this. Lounge facilities are available for your comfort until your departure.